2024 brings an exciting year for the Beaver’s across the country. They are celebrating their 50th birthday of when beavers were rolled out across the country.
On June 1st, you are cordially invited to the Beaver 50th Birthday Party in Kelowna.
It is being held at Camp Dunlop in Kelowna, 5325 Lakeshore Rd, at 10:00am to 4:00pm.
The cost is $30 per person that includes Scouter, youth, parent helpers and staff Offer of Service. This event is only open to beavers that are attending with their section , no individuals allowed.
This will include a swag bag, a t-shirt and crest for every person. Please have your sizes ready to submit at registration.
Let’s get this party started with activity stations and a country wide campfire. Come join us for the once in a lifetime party.
All colonies attending are required to bring an approved adventure application form from their Group Commissioner (it can be on your phone, preferably using Scouts Tracker) and a list of all attendees. (Attendance form attached). All Scouts Canada members must be active to attend.
Each person is to bring their own food and drinks. Each section to bring their own first aiders.
Deadline for registration is Mar 15, 2024.